Friday, May 10, 2013

Pepper Picture.

Daniel and I celebrated our anniversary last Tuesday
Then I died
Just kidding
I just didn't get back on my blog
I couldn't find the little plug that gets the pictures from my camera to the laptop
Daniel found it for me last night
But then I realized I HAVE NO PICTURES
So I put this one on...
It's May
I like May.
It means school is almost over and Spring is really here and the sun is just gonna shine.
The only thing I don't like is that school is almost over.
The end of the year projects and reports and stuff drive me batty.
And I am going to a PTA Convention (yay me) next week and that means I am gone for two school days and so I've made an extensive list of how the day goes so Daniel can get 'er done.  We're also going camping.  I just wish June would come.
Our favorite 3rd grade teacher is retiring this year.  The newspaper was in her room this week while I was there.  I got to talk to the reporter.  I am watching for the article to read about Ms. Nonnie. We will miss her, but luckily I have no more upcoming 3rd graders.  Perfect!
My ward missionary companion and I are teaching new member discussions and visiting members' homes.  It is really so much fun.  I always get a facetious "Uh uh, you have the best calling" to which I respond "YES!  I really do!". That throws 'em all for a loop. 
When we had Stake Conference weeks ago, we had a visiting general authority who talked about his kids never saying "Yippee Skippee It's Sunday! Let's go to church!"  I looked at my kids, who gave me that look.  You know that look.  The one that says, "if you ever say yippee skippee it's Sunday, let's go to church" we'll revolt.  I say it anyway.  I'm glad there is a member of the Seventy whose kids were not thrilled about church either!
Mama Cass and Felix were sold at auction.  We were sad to hear they didn't go for much.  Randy only made about $10 on each.  But our other 4 goats are awesome.  The whole mood out in the pasture is calm and fun.
We hope to buy us 2 or 3 baby goats soon. 
Daniel bought a new car.  It's a silver '05 Neon.  Nice.  I just don't have a picture.  Sheesh!
I recently lost 10 pounds.  Bet you couldn't tell.  I may just gain it all back. 
I'm hungry.
Mother's Day is coming soon.  Daniel ordered my blog books.  He didn't do it last year, so I get 2 years' worth in 2 books.  Yay!  I'm excited for their arrival.
Have a wonderful day!

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