Thursday, June 7, 2012

Joy And Reality.

A moment of Joy.  I was in the kitchen and heard Sam playing the piano.  Ruthie came in and asked if he was going to start taking lessons again.  He said "No. You're going to teach me." So Ruthie began his first lesson.  They even played a duet.

I just love moments like this.

A moment of reality.  I am putting together the list of cub scouts going to day camp.  And getting Sam and Daniel's med forms filled out for Webelos camp.  And getting ready to take Isaac in for a physical before he goes to Scout camp.  And making myself available to go to day camp with Ruthie.  And the thought occurred to me that this is the last year for day camp for Sam.  And Ruthie is just beginning.  But in 4 years she'll be getting ready for girls camp.  And Isaac is going to Scout Camp!  What the??  And when I am released as a den leader I won't be going to cub day camp anymore.  Anymore.  And  a small part of me was sad.  And another part of me can't wait for someone else to be a den leader.  And another part of me is ready to paint something.

And so I show you this.  The yellow and red are my inspiration for the work I am about to do.  Yes, my kitchen is already splashed with red.  But the yellow is new.  And the idea in my head, thanks to another PTA mom, is ready to pop out all over the place. 
Just you wait!

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