Friday, January 4, 2013

Just In Case...

This is a just in case post.  Just in case you were wondering.  So, with that in mind, I thought I'd update us.  You know, just in case you wanted to know.  We are back to school, work, life and health.  Back on Christmas Eve we went to Abbie and Poppy's for festivities.  The kids all got jammies from Abbie and Poppy.  Here are all the cousins.  Ruthie is holding David.  He looks like an elf and Daniel and I had a ton o' fun playing with him. 
For the Nativity this year, Ruthie played Mary.  That's Zac playing Joseph, just in case you wondered.  That baby is our cousin James who was born in July but not due til October.  He wanted to get here fast!  He's so tiny and so fun to hold.
Christmas morning brought gifts from Santa, AKA mom and dad.  Yep.  They all know and they aren't ashamed.  Ruthie had a swell Christmas.  She is newly into Legos and now has a sweet collection. 
Sammy loved his Lego set and used the whole day to put it together.  He also loved his new jammy bottoms and the blanket.
Isaac got the gift of his dreams.  A Lego Technic car.  I don't have any more of a title than that.  He built it, drove it around and uses other Technic pieces to do other things with it. 
Just in case you wanted to know, this is what the Christmas day table looked like. 
See that picture in the back?  It's called "Behold He Cometh" and my dad gave that to Daniel and me.  It's for our living room.  Yep!  I'll have a real honest to goodness living room soon.  See that snake in the front?  Sam set that up and uses it as a character from one of his many monster movies.  I don't know his name, but he's out quite a bit. 
And just in case you were wondering, here is the basement bathroom.  Daniel put the floor tile in and is now working on the wall tile.  Why wall tile you ask?  If you have boys, well, you already know why.  If you don't have boys, well, your walls are safe, and you probably don't have tile on your bathroom walls.  And as for the painting, just in case you wondered, I have come to a complete stand still.  I painted with one color and then did the extra bedroom so we can clear out the storage unit.  It's not done and I just haven't gotten back down to finish it.  I'm tired.  I also lost the hurry up about it because the family party is over and done.  I suppose if I want carpet I'd better get back to painting!  But not today.
For new year's eve, we stayed up late, I threw up and everyone slept until 9:30 the next morning. 
Since Wednesday we have been back to regular life and such.  And there you have it, just in case you wanted to know.

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