Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Attack Of The Legos.

I went through my pictures on my camera to post something and found all these Lego pictures. Isaac is our resident Lego man.
Here's a taste of the Lego mania...
A robot.
A car.
Lots of cars.
A robot. A car. Lots of cars. All together.
Oh! And NEVER bug this chick when she's trying to practice the piano!!
Trust me!
Never a dull moment at our hogar!


Laurie said...

Awesome Lego stuff! I love the picture of Ruthie being bugged. SHe is so cute!

Crissy said...

Fun stuff! LOVE that last photo, hee hee :)

Kim said...

Jacob seriously needs to come over and play with your boys. He would be soo happy to have someone show him how to build those things! Ruthie is hilarious!!