Wednesday, September 8, 2010

A Butterfly Wish.

What a beautiful day. Clear skies. Sunshine. Warmth. Butterflies. Ruthie said it would have been better if Lyndsay could have been there. We said she was there. In spirit. But alive. We'll have to tell her all about it when she's resurrected. Okay. We'll remember all the details. The purple. The flowers. The butterflies. The love. The tears. The thumbs up. The bracelets. The talks. The music. The strong spirit. The knowledge that we will see Lyndsay again.

We said our goodbyes as a family on Monday night. Ruthie wore her princess dress that we bought especially for this day. She had a sparkly headband. When we got there, Lyndsay's aunt took our VIP (Very Important Princess) and her family up to cut in the line. We saw Lyndsay. She wore makeup! Yes!!! A big thumbs up from mom. I told her to bring lipstick when she rises with the just. It will complete the look. And Lyndsay will be elated.

The funeral was absolutely beautiful. A wonderful tribute to Lyndsay and to our loving Savior. Little children are alive in Christ. What more can you say!? The music was beautiful. We all sang the Popcorn Song and did the actions. Lyndsay was probably chuckling at that.

At the graveside, Lyndsay's mom asked all the moms in the family to come up and get a butterfly. They had gotten Monarch Butterflies, all individually boxed, (Safely and humanely! No butterflies died!!) to give to each family. Lyndsay loved butterflies and if you make a wish on a butterfly, it will fly to heaven and make your wish come true! Our family went and took our butterfly box and when I asked my family what our family's wish would be, well, we were all thinking the same thing. We made our wish and let our butterfly go. She left the box and flew straight to heaven. She had a special get our wish right to heaven. Right away. Other butterflies stayed on fingers and sleeves. What a sight it was! So many beautiful butterflies.

As we left Ruthie said Lyndsay would have loved being there.

She was.


Kim said...

What a beautiful tribute to this little girl. I can't imagine facing a loss like that without the knowledge of the plan of salvation and knowing we will be with all we love again someday. Wish I could say something more comforting but, really can there be anything more comforting than that? Because of our Savior we are all to live again. May He heal your hearts at this time! Love you guys!

Kim said...

Beautiful. I hope and pray that your butterfly wish comes true so very soon!!!

Crissy said...

Coming back into the blogging world. Love all your posts.

I wish I could have come this. It's sounds like it was a beautiful service! What a wonderful plan our Heavenly Father has for us!