Wednesday, September 7, 2011

On With Phase 2.

Sounds like a housing development. But this is Isaac's mouth. No housing. Today we began phase 2 at the orthodontist. More braces. Today the tops went on and in 7 weeks the bottoms will go on. Isn't he a cute metal mouth?!
They sent him home with all this fun stuff in a bag attached to balloons. When he got phase 1 braces off, they gave him a bag with root beer, popcorn and suckers. He'll have to wait about 18 months for that stuff.

Guess who wants braces now?

Hint: Sam and Ruthie


Laurie said...

The goodies make getting braces sound like fun. I love that he got soup and pudding! You look great Isaac!

Kristi said...

who is your dr.?