Saturday, August 11, 2012

The Goat Girl.

Hey there boys.  Waiting in the arena on Friday afternoon.  Waiting for the goat show. 
Bye boys.  We were waiting for a while.
Hey!  It's show girl Ruthie.  She had just the hour before done the following... Bathed Iris.  Watched as our 4-H friends blow dried Iris.  Walked in circles with Iris while I played judge and she practiced moving around the front of Iris depending on where the judge (me) went.  Then she put Iris in to rest and got dressed in her show duds.  Then we walked into the arena with Iris and watched the dairy goats show.  Then we went around to enter the arena.
Here she is waiting for the Pygmy/Nigerian 0-6 month group.  The gal in green is Maureen, our 4-H leader.  She gave Ruthie small hints and loads of encouragement.
And...She's off!  Into the arena she goes.
Watch this!  It's so funny to see.  You train the goat to walk by tugging under the chin and pulling the tail.  When Iris would stop, Ruthie would just touch her tail and Iris would bolt.  I leaned over to Daniel and said her tail is an "on" switch.  Watch!  Wait.  Sorry.  You can't watch.  But it's fun to see.  Trust me.
They all lined up and waited for the judge.  The real one this time.  She kept turning around and smiling.  It was working!  Iris was doing great and Ruthann was awesome!
They walked around the arena again. 
They lined up again.  This time the judge went to each goat.  She looked at their teeth, their unders and felt their backs.
Then she sent them each to the center of the arena one by one.  Ruthie was the third over.  She was just so smiley!  It was fun to watch her. 
There they all are.  Ruthie is 3rd from the left.  It's the little ones on the right that were first and second.  I quote what Ruthie said when it was finished, "I wasn't dead last!  I was dead third (from last)"
She got a blue ribbon for her showing.  She also got $3 for that blue ribbon.  Awesome possum.
The blue ribbon is now hanging on her lariat on her bedroom wall.  She's already making plans for next year's show!.  And so are the boys.


Kristi said...

Good for Ruthie, she looks so cute, and grown up. We went to the fair and saw Iris but missed you guys, hope you had fun.

Laurie said...

Congrats! Ruthie looks so dang cute in her cowgirl clothes. Way to go Ruthie!

Anonymous said...

Awesome job, Ruthie. Something we have in common, I was in 4-H when I was much younger. However, I didn't have a goat. My groups practiced cooking, sewing, and even public speaking.

Hugs, Ms. Grow

Kim said...

WoW, Ruthie you look so grown up in your show clothes! I'm proud of you and if Jessica had been in town we would of for sure made it to see you in action-next year! congrats! And congrats to Mom for making it happen!