Tuesday, January 21, 2014

The Basement Updated

Let's head to the basement. 
Daniel painted the floor so that we can put the freezer on it and eventually add shelves.  The carpet will go up to that paint.
It's a yellow bathroom!  Oh My!  I was painting the furniture for the basement and was finished and had extra paint in the pan.  So I painted the bathroom.  It's a really nice shade of yellow.
And now onto the finishing work.  See that near the floor??  Baseboards.  Oh my life never felt so complete.  But wait...
Do you see that around yonder door?  Oh my.  It's.. it's.. it's.., door framing!  All the doors are on and the boards are up around them.  We still need to take the doors down to paint.  But that's easy!
And now let's go back upstairs.  Yes, the living room walls are the same color as the walls in the basement family room.  But I've got something else to show ya.  See those chairs??  Those are my first official furniture pieces for the living room.  I am in love with them.  And what are those things on those chairs, you ask?  CARPET SAMPLES!!! 
Oh, yes, my darling ones.  We are getting carpet.  The carpet measuring guy is coming today and will measure the basement and all the carpeted rooms upstairs. 
My life is just about complete.
Wait.  I need chocolate...

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