Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Our Pet Armadillos.

On Saturday night, we had the Missionaries over for dinner. One of the Elders is from Texas. As we were sitting down for dinner, I had the Elders sit facing the back door. The Elder from Texas says, "You have armadillos!" Yes we do. Cool.
They really don't get out much. They mostly burrow in the winter. It's cold here. Did you know that armadillos have fur on their bellies?
My armadillos like to eat all the grubs and ants and other insects in the backyard. They also tear up the backyard grass when they burrow. Darn armadillos. Meets Arnie, Alice and Andy, our 3 armadillos.
Wait! Just kidding. These are just old sunflowers that we left out last summer to feed the birds. Sorry Elder, no pet armadillos here!
But I sure thought the whole idea was fun!


Laurie said...

Haha! They do look like armadillos at first!

Crissy said...

LOL! Love the getting closer shots. They kind of did look like armadillos from a distance :)

Jen said...

That is funny that the Elder thought you had armadillos! Armadillos in Utah is like having big horn sheep in Arizona. (but don't quote me on that. I made it up:)

Single Women Adopting Children said...

Okay- you had me sold for a second:) I thought- armadillos in Utah? No way! Pretty convincing!

Kim said...

HAHAHA! That is hilarious! I was just sitting there thinking...why in the world would Jennie have fake armadillos on her porch? ...for decoration? to be funny? is it like people having plastic deer in their flower beds?...and then you showed them close up. So funny! They totally did look like armadillos in the first pic!