Saturday, April 4, 2009

I'm THAT Kind Of Mom.

My kids and I were invited to a friend's house tonight while the men go to the Priesthood session of conference. So Ruthie and I ended up running to Costco for some essentials and on the way home I realized I hadn't gotten anything to take over. So I say out loud, "I forgot that I need to take something to Sister So&so's house. I was going to make cookies and completely forgot." Then Ruthie says, "Some moms forget things. I guess you are just one of those moms." I don't think I have ever heard myself refered to as "one of those moms" for anything. Especially by one of my own kids.
Thank you, Ruthie!


Susie said...

Too funny!

Crissy said...

Hee hee!! Hmmm, I do the same thing :)