Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Junior Prom

Want a fun April Fool's Day post? I am not going to fool you. It's prom season and one of my cute babysitters gave me a picture of her and her date on prom night a couple of weeks ago. Then yesterday while scrubbing my filthy laundry room which is now so clean no one is allowed to go in it, I found this picture...
That's me and Mike at our Junior Prom. Promise Me. 1988. 21 years ago. My perm made my hair fall out in large patches around my head. My aunt did my perm. My grandma (Meme) made my dress so I would be modest. We're all about modesty here. Mike was nice until after prom then he was a jerk. We had warm tomatoes on our dinner plates. When Mike ate his, the whole thing at once I might add, he gagged and said it tasted like warm ketchup. I didn't eat my tomato. I had to drive his mom's car because Mike didn't have his license yet. The only driving option at my house was an Econoline van. It was a fun night. I still get tingles. Or am I getting cold chills? Promise Me...

Now as to the reason this picture was in a deep corner under all the shelves in my filthy laundry room which is now so clean no one is allowed in it, I really have no idea. Maybe I'm the fool. You're still not allowed in my laundry room!


Crissy said...

You crack me up, Because you keep finding these pictures in the most odd places. But then again, I do too.
Cute picture. Love the dress. I wish they made dresses like that in the stores.

Susie said...

Hahahaha! I'm sure I've got some doozies out there as well. We all should start digging these out to get a good laugh!

Kim said...

I love this!!!! I bet you were cracking up when you found this pic! NOT because of how you look - you are so cute! - but because of the memories. I don't let people in my laundry room either.

Daniel said...

WOW! What a Hottie! I'm glad Mike was a jerk :)

Single Women Adopting Children said...

I am still laughing hysterically- that picture is hysterical and- yes- we both had big permed hair (although mine didn't fall out and to be honest- was the best hair I've ever had. Still waiting for spiral perms to come back :)

Misty said...

I love the picture!!! What fun memories!!