Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Piggy Flu

I ate a hot dog a few weeks ago. Only because I had hot dogs. And buns. Hot dog buns. It's so annoying when you have hot dogs and are craving one but you don't have hot dog buns. A piece of bread just isn't the same. I only put mustard on my hot dogs. And I only eat one. By the end of one, I'm pretty much done with hot dogs for a while. Are you hungry now or just grossed out?

Sorry if I grossed you out!

Last night in our adoption class we were having deep and emotional discussions about infertility. I don't want to go into details about the couples in our class. They are very personal and very emotional. I kept looking at Daniel wondering if he was going to talk for us about our experience. He didn't. So I did. I told them all first that I know we have 3 kids. We have an adoption set up for China. Now it could seem like we are just here to get us another baby. That's not the case. A couple of months after getting married, I was pregnant with Isaac. 8 months after deciding to have another baby I was pregnant with Samuel. But my pregnancies were life threatening. We had to be done. Or Daniel's second wife would have to raise my kids. Not an option.

So I tried to say that even though I don't feel the same heartache that they do, I do have heartache. I wait for my daughter to be born in China and for a government to say it's okay for us to adopt her. Even though my arms are full with 3 children, I have empty arms because I know there are now 2 more babies who need to get to my arms. Even though we don't have the same experiences, my heart still aches.

Then I realized that my throat ached. And my jaw. We got home after stopping for some Arbey's and then I took our sitter home. I sat down to eat and my whole face hurt. Ached. Then I remembered the hot dog a few weeks ago. Oh No!! Maybe I have Piggy Flu!

So I went through everything coming up this week. Our Primary Talent Show tonight, my anniversary Thursday, Doctor appointments for Daniel and myself on Friday so we can complete our adoption paperwork and our anniversary date for Friday night. And let's not forget the bridal shower for my almost sister in law on Saturday night. Oh yeah, and I am doing sharing time on Sunday on reverence and starting a whole thing to motivate reverence on a large and long term scale. So I can't get sick.

This morning I woke up without a sore throat and my mouth is fine. I'm eating. It's so fine! So no Piggy Flu here. Not that I was worried. And I can wait a few more weeks for another hot dog. But a pork salad from Cafe Rio....mmmmm.

(Notice to all reading: I understand that the Swine Flu is a serious illness. I know people in Mexico have died. I know one cannot get Swine Flu by eating pork (Including Hot Dogs) and I know that simply washing hands and coughing into one's elbow makes the world go round. Please don't comment that I just don't get it! I do.)


Andrea said...

You and Dev would get along great with the hot dog thing, he will only have them with mustard. Maine has the best hot dog buns ever! Split down the top, not the side. Hope the adoption classes go well, hope you get a speedy referral. China seems never ending at this point. We refiled, again. Just hope Devin will be home before we have to do it again. Talk to you soon!

Anonymous said...

Love your disclaimer! - Katie

Susie said...

Oh that is really gross...the picture I mean. I like hot dogs! Not all the time though and yes I know what is in hot dogs, and I'm okay with that. Let's plan a party when the weather is warm and let's cook hot dogs.

Jen said...

I got that very same e-mail. Disturbing, yet funny, yet, cute.

Good luck with all of your classes. Did you wear your famous flip flops? I consider them your good-luck charm!