Sunday, April 19, 2009

A Picture A Day.

Did someone say I was supposed to take a picture EVERY DAY?! I didn't think so. For some reason I "lost" my camera this week. So the last 2 days I have been taking pictures to fill this post. I have no idea what this means. I think I'm just lazy. Enjoy!

1. One night Daniel came to me and said, "Come look at your daughter." She was sleeping with her leg hooked up over her other leg. Her hand was up under her chin, like she was thinking. She moved it while I went for the camera.
2. I cleaned the Play Room (living room) this week and when I got to the blinds, I remembered that years ago, one of the boys had chewed on them. Those are teeth marks. Please notice how clean they are!!
3. Sam loves to play Chinese Jump Rope.
4. I found Isaac's Peeps with this note on them. Love it!
5. I love you!
6. Saturday night we headed to bed and one little person was handing out some serious stink eye!
7. Sunday morning Father/Daughter bonding. Planting flower seeds.
I have a Make A Treat Monday in the wings. Are you excited??


Kristi said...

Your "make a treat Monday's" are going to be the death of me - if I ever get around to making one of them. Ruthie's room is so cute. You are such a good Mom.

Crissy said...

Truth be known, I have been terrible the past few weeks because of our trip. I am going to have a find a few stand in's too.
Love your photos! Isn't it funny to see the way kids sleep sometimes? :)

Single Women Adopting Children said...

Love that picture of Ruthie and Daniel -very sweet.

I loved Chinese jump rope! Glad to know it's still around!

Can't wait to see you Thurs!