Wednesday, December 30, 2009
A Day In The Life.
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Make A Meal.
Have a Merry Christmas
and may all your bacon be yummy and your stove top be grease free!
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
We Wish You A Merry Christmas!
And I thought I Was Okay.
Last night we went to Daniel's parents' house for a special FHE while his sister Lisa was here from Colorado. It was so nice. We were late because Daniel has a super long commute and had to eat dinner, so we missed the piano performances. But we got to visit and watch a beautiful DVD that Daniel's sister Shelba and her hubby made for their parents' 50th anniversary. Which was a little while ago. It was amazing!
Then we got to visit with Santa (grandpa). And, of course, I had forgotten my camera. Duh! But as we were getting ready to leave, Daniel's sister Jennifer asked how I was. And she was asking sincerely and with her heart. So I told her it was hard and then I cried. I have had people ask me before how the adoption is going. While I have answered, and guarded my heart, they sometimes would be easily distracted by something far more interesting than me. So I continue to guard my heart. But a genuine interest breaks down that wall and I let my emotions go. I don't do it very often. But Jennifer's pure interest in ME did it. We talked for a few minutes more until I really needed to go. I cried on the way home and when Daniel was cuddling me, I told him that I had thought that I was okay. But I'm not. Well, I am. But I'm not. I know it doesn't make sense. But I get it. And that's what matters.
On a happier note, Daniel's sister Marylynne gave us some corn nuts. Oh the memories. Corn nuts. We used to walk to the Quick Stop when we were kids and buy cheap treats. Like Lemon Heads, Boston Baked Beans and Sixlets. Yummy. For like .10 cents a box. (I feel so old) I remember wanting to get corn nuts. My dad would get them and I thought they were awesome. I tell ya, I always felt a little skanky buying corn nuts. I have no idea why! Seriously. To me, it almost felt like a sin to buy them. Weird, I know. But last night...I got some corn nuts. I still feel a little skanky. But I am eating them. Just don't ask me about them at church!
Sunday, December 20, 2009
A Day In The Life.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Are you ready for Christmas?
I think I am. Just a few food items left to buy.
I have found it amazing that since I sent out Christmas cards (after many many years of "forgetting") that I have heard from many people who I have missed. Thanks to you all for reciprocating!
I also have realized that I don't have correct addresses for people. Oh well. What's a girl to do?
Ruthie is doing well. She just had sporadic tummy aches on Monday and since is only in pain when she is asked. Ha! So I don't think it was her appendix. But we keep an eye on her.
Did you know that bloggy isn't a word? It's highlighted on my spellcheck a majig. But I don't care.
I'll try to keep my eyes and ears open for a fun bloggy post. But don't quote me on that. I'm struggling with what to make for dinner tonight.
Any suggestions?
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
A Day In The Life.
Monday, December 14, 2009
Friday, December 11, 2009
Just A Thought.
Just a thought.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Thoughtful Thursday.
Daniel and I were in bed for the night. I had a sudden urge to kiss him. So I did. Well, I tried. But the blanket was over his face. So he moved it (quickly) and I really kissed him. Not just through the blanket. He said something about it being really late and he was half asleep and if he had known he wouldn't have taken melatonin. Whatever. I was just kissing him goodnight. So
he says, "talk dirty to me." Snort! Snicker! Oh my! So I did. This is my dirty talk...
"Hey baby...did you see how awfully scummfully filthy the laundry room floor was when you came in tonight?...(reach out and rub his elbow insides)...and if you think that's dirty, you should look at the toilets...I did wipe the outsides down with Clorox wipes, but the bowls!! Oh baby!...(snuggle up to his neck and breath on it)...and the walls in the family room...I may put off painting just a few more weeks so we can really enjoy the dirty...(kiss his ear)...I can't tell you how many times I've picked up used Q-tips from the bathroom!...(kiss his cheek and really get going), let's talk about the garage..."
Yep. He fell asleep pretty fast.
And I need to put toilet bowl cleaner on my shopping list.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Cute Quips
Last night at dinner, Ruthie wanted seconds and when I put the food on her plate she said, "Thanks mom. You're a light saber."
Monday, December 7, 2009
A Day In The Life.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Smell? What Smell?
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
So I went to the basement and got some felt. And then I started just doing this... Then I started doing this...You know, sewing little pockets.
Then I made all the 1s. They were the easiest. Except for the holly.
Then, amazingly, I made all the other numbers. I just did tons of 0s and cut a little around them to make the 3s 6s 8s and 9s. So, you know. At least I know what they are.
So I'm officially advented! Our 1 was getting "Night At The Museum 2" and watching it for movie night and 2 was going to McDonalds for dinner. I need to get some papers in the rest of this week. Then, because I have nosey kiddos, I will only be putting in the rest a few days at a time. That's called smart parenting! In case you were wondering.
Now I wish Daniel would come home so he can figure out what died in the laundry room!
Oh, and I need a dowel and ribbon so I can hang the thing!