Thursday, December 10, 2009

Thoughtful Thursday.

This is what happened last night...

Daniel and I were in bed for the night. I had a sudden urge to kiss him. So I did. Well, I tried. But the blanket was over his face. So he moved it (quickly) and I really kissed him. Not just through the blanket. He said something about it being really late and he was half asleep and if he had known he wouldn't have taken melatonin. Whatever. I was just kissing him goodnight. So
he says, "talk dirty to me." Snort! Snicker! Oh my! So I did. This is my dirty talk...

"Hey baby...did you see how awfully scummfully filthy the laundry room floor was when you came in tonight?...(reach out and rub his elbow insides)...and if you think that's dirty, you should look at the toilets...I did wipe the outsides down with Clorox wipes, but the bowls!! Oh baby!...(snuggle up to his neck and breath on it)...and the walls in the family room...I may put off painting just a few more weeks so we can really enjoy the dirty...(kiss his ear)...I can't tell you how many times I've picked up used Q-tips from the bathroom!...(kiss his cheek and really get going), let's talk about the garage..."

Yep. He fell asleep pretty fast.

And I need to put toilet bowl cleaner on my shopping list.


Jen said...

Too funny!

For some odd reason I feel all hot and bothered, now. It had to have been the "dirty talk" about the toilets! (I feel like I need to repent now.)

Laurie said...


That's my kind of "dirty talk"!

Andrea said...

Okay, thanks for the giggle! Sounds like the phone calls I have with Dev, LOL!!

Kim said...

Hahhaahahaha!!! That is so hilarious! That's the life of a wife and mommy, huh! Love this!