Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Cute Quips

Yesterday after school, Ruthie was looking at her cookies from the cookie party Sunday night. She picked up this little heart cookie and said, "Mommy, take a picture of me and my cookie." So I did. Then she said, "Now you can put it on your blog!" So here it is.

Last night at dinner, Ruthie wanted seconds and when I put the food on her plate she said, "Thanks mom. You're a light saber."
This morning, Ruthie asked if she could watch Madeline. As I was putting it in, she said she wants to have an orphanage someday. She wants to have lots of babies who she will feed, and dress and play with. Then their mommies and daddies can come and get them. This is a drawing of what her orphanage will look like. It will have enough rooms for 6 babies, an office for her to do her orphanage work and a big play room. The lines going to each window are stairs that lead to the babies' rooms. The middle window is her office. I love the large flowers and the bright sun! Her orphanage will be a happy place!


Jen said...

That sounds like the best orphanage...ever! I also love the big flowers!

Andrea said...

Soo cute!!

Kates said...

Ruthie's glasses are so cute! I hope we didn't embarrass her too much on Sunday. And I love her orphanage idea. Too cute!

Kim said...

What a cute cute girl! When I was little I wanted to work in an orphanage too. I loved "Annie." That cracks me up that she told you that you could put her on your blog. Thanks for scanning in her drawing too. What a compassionate little girl you have.