Sunday, March 21, 2010

A Day In The Life.

First! A moment of "AWE". Just a moment.....

Thank you.

That was for how I have kept this particular string of posts going for over a year. Yep. We should all have a moment of "AWE" for just the fact that I've done it.

Thank you.

Monday...Went shopping for a frame for the temple picture for my family room wall. They were 30% off at Roberts. So $34 for the frame. My brother in law Sean took the awesome picture of the Ogden temple. Just a slow and simple day at home!
Tuesday...Sam is learning about sedimentary rocks at school. He wanted to do an experiment where you put tons of peanut butter between 2 pieces of bread and squish them between heavy books. You should be able to see "layers" like rock. Umm.. I think we didn't put enough PB. Darnitall.
Wednesday...Put the picture up on the wall. Isn't it gorgeous?! Thanks Sean. I think you should sell your prints. Popcorn day at school. Piano lessons. Presidency meeting. Webelos. beyond that, I don't recall anything.
Thursday...Isaac got all the rocks we've collected from various trips and laid them out and then started chipping away at them. He's learning about rocks and soil, too. These rocks stayed on this little table all week until I told him to please put them somewhere else. They then got knocked off the table and chipped my wood floor. Darnitall!
Daniel wasn't gonna git home till 8, so we ran to the store and got donuts for a treat. Were you where I was today at 11 am? Yep. We enjoyed those donuts and all the crumbs and I drank soda, too!
Friday...With piano lessons, I have seen a wonderful phenomenon at our house. When one of the kids doesn't know how to play a song and another kid has already passed it off or practiced it, that other kid will sit and help the original kid with notes and finger placing. When I heard Sam say, "Place your fingers where mine are and then I'll point to which ones you need to play..." I thought I had died and gone to heaven. I love it!
Daniel and I needed a night out. We got a sitter and went to dinner and then saw Percy Jackson. So fun! So nice to be out for fun by ourselves.
Saturday...Haircuts for mom and Ruthie. Ruthie has been talking about cutting her hair short for about a month now. I didn't know if she would really do it. Then as we got closer, I looked into Locks of Love, but she would need to grow another 2 inches. She didn't want to wait that long. So.....
We had a movie night and watched the Princess and the Frog. So cute!
Sunday...This is how I feel today, but this nap was taken yesterday. While sitting on the couch, I fell asleep and then Ruthie got her pillow and blankie for me. Busy day at church. Primary kids are so fun!
Have an terrific week!


Hollyween said...

Why yes, I was where you were at 11 am today. And yes, I came home and ate some junkfood in that dude's honor.

I love the temple picture. I can't believe we don't have a temple picture in our home yet. What's up with that?!

Ruthie's hair looked darling today. I love it. And it's ALWAYS so fun for me to talk to you. Thanks for that.

Crissy said...

Love the Temple picture! Very pretty :) Love Ruthies haircut too!
I wish I made it to Church today. I was feeling worn out and not well. I think I slept most the day. Hope you have a great week!

Kates said...

The frame looks great on the temple pic! Your room is close to being finished. And Ruthie's hair is so darned cute! I love that haircut. Anya wants to grow hers out so no more cute A-line bobs for her for a while. Darnitall! (that's the word of the day, I guess).

Kim said...

Your temple picture looks so great! He IS a wonderful photographer!

LOVE Ruthie's hair!

Rocks and wood floors don't go together. That stinks!

What a sweet daughter Ruthie is - to get you her pillow and blankie!

Laurie said...

I love the temple picture. It looks great. And I love the wall color in your fam room. Ruthie's hair is so pretty!!

Jen said...

Ruthie's hair is so cute! I love that style on her. And I like your hair. I was noticing the cute layers today in RS when you were making the announcements. You are such a hip and happening momma!

I love naps. Conner hasn't napped since April of LAST YEAR! I miss HIS naps! Oh how I miss them.