Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The Sarajune Project

I mentioned that our agency got Hague Accreditation in a previous post. I'm not really sure how to expound on that to make this an interesting post. I'll do my best.

We have been waiting now "officially" for 26 months. The last batch of referrals only covered 1 1/2 days of LIDs. That means it's a really bad batch. But don't get me wrong. Families got their babies. They are finally seeing their sweet babies faces for the first time. But it doesn't move the line along much. Since we figure we still have a couple of years to wait, we have put off renewing our expired paperwork. The paperwork that costs upward of $1000 to do. The paperwork that would still expire after 18 months. The paperwork that, in April, changed quite a bit.

With the Hague in place, if paperwork is expired, no matter when your LID is, you fall under the Hague rules and must do Hague paperwork. A friend of mine went in to renew her paperwork in April, right after the Hague went into affect, and is still waiting for her renewal. It's Crrazy! (that's my Nacho Libre impression) So we figured we would put off renewing our expired paperwork until after things settle down and the INS can tell us exactly what they want from us so we can just get the paperwork we need, fill it out, get other things they require and hand it in with a very large chunk o change and get our renewal.

Now that our agency has been Hague Accredited, we will be able to work directly with them in getting the necessary foot work done...homestudy updates, medical updates, etc, etc. So it's a relief that we don't have to go with an agency we don't know and work with people we've never met and share all the personal and intimate details of our life to new people.
We still aren't ready to start renewing. I figure if we wait another year, we will only have to do it once more and will hopefully go to China before it expires. But you just never know! I hope that was interesting enough to read. I don't share adoption stuff often because of the intricate details that don't make much sense if you're not doing it, but do mean the world to me in this process. I suppose it's like being pregnant and feeling the need to decompress about how much of your hair is falling out and what the doctor said about your weight and just where the baby kicks and what it's now doing to your skin, and how much your back hurts and your arches are falling and you can't eat Mexican anymore, etc. It's okay to hear once in a while, but then it gets a little old if it's repeated with every visit. So just smile and wave, girls. I really need some chocolate!


Kim said...

It's so nice to have you and Daniel in this process with us! We love you guys and want you to get Sarajune fast and bring little Emmali with her!

Crissy said...

Sending some {HUGS} And chocolate your way. Ok, not really, just imagine it. I'll bring some tomorrow ;)

Single Women Adopting Children said...

I am glad they got Hague! I just don't know what to think about the timelines. It's enough to drive anyone crazy!

Kim said...

I'm so glad that your agency got accredited. I was worried about you having to go with a new agency. Sharing all that stuff is NOT fun. I am sorry to hear that it will be that much longer though. ARGH! I do like to hear what's going on with your process and how you are doing with it. xoxox