Thursday, September 11, 2008

A Day...

Today is a day of remembrance. A day of sorrow. A day of joy. Yes, joy. I have my family. I have a home. I have love in my life. I have been blessed beyond any of my expectations. No matter what others choose or have chosen to do, I know who I am. I know that God is in charge and that He wouldn't just allow anything to happen. What have we learned over the last 7 years?

What have I learned? I have learned that my country means more to me than I was aware. I have learned that with my family around me, I have everything. I have learned that we have agency and that no matter what choices we make, others will be affected. I have learned that we live in the greatest nation on earth and God will only bless this nation if we are worthy of it. I have learned that people still need constant reminders to remember that tragedy is what brought us together. I have learned that no tragedy should make our nation pull together so quickly, we should already be united. I have learned that I am weak in so many aspects. I have learned my strengths as I strive to do what is right. I have learned that so many in this country are willing to give everything for it, still! I have learned that the pride in my heart for my country will not soon die.

Make today a day of reflection. No matter your political stance, who you will vote for or not vote for, no matter what you have felt about war or unrest in the world. Remember what the Lord has said of our great nation, "Wherefore, this land is consecrated unto him whom he shall bring. And if it so be that they shall serve him according to the commandments which he hath given, it shall be a land of liberty unto them; wherefore, they shall never be brought down into captivity; if so, it shall be because of iniquity; for if iniquity shall abound cursed shall be the land for their sakes, but unto the righteous, it shall be blessed forever." (2 Nephi 1:7)

Refect on where you stand for righteousness' sake. That is what will make our nation great! May God bless America in every way He possibly can because of our righteousness!


Kim said...

What a great testimony. Thanks Jennie! I, too, feel that there are too many in our nation that have forgotten what it was founded upon and that it really is a gift to live here.

Crissy said...

Thank you for the beautiful post, Jennie!
It would be great if everyone on our nation could remember those words you just wrote about.
We are blessed to be on this land!

Sarah said...

I wish our politicians and others read that scripture, and believe it! Its so true. Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Amen, sister! - Katie

Mama Bear said...

That was beautifully eloquent! Couldn't have said it better!