Saturday, September 20, 2008

I'm A Nut.

I'm a little acorn brown

Lying on the cold, cold ground

Everybody steps on me

That is why I'm cracked you see

I'm a nut (crack, crack)

I'm a nut (crack crack)

I'm a nut, I'm a nut, I'm a nut (crack crack)

The crack is when you click your tongue on the roof of your mouth. It's also the sound of me cracking.

Why am I a nut, you ask? Why am I cracking? It's Primary Program time. Not enough detail? Parts, music, who sings what verse, how many kids can give the same talk, how are we gonna get over 110 kiddos on the stand, do we have them up there during the Sacrament or just all come up right before we start, will they get all the talks written and back to me on time, will the little kids sit reverently, will the littlest kids sing, will the president's head explode???????

I hope not.

I mean I hope my head doesn't explode. I DO hope they sing, do their parts, are reverent, etc.

It'll be fine. Just smile and wave. Enjoy the cracking. It'll be all over soon.....

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