Friday, September 5, 2008

Home Alone.

Ruthie started Preschool on Wednesday. Yay! Ruthie! Today will be her second day. I haven't posted about it because, well, I've been watching Season 4 of The Office and just haven't had a moment to do it! So there! Since I've now watched all the episodes and the deleted scenes and most of the extra stuff, I'll be submerging once again to watch the episodes that have commentaries. This is a very serious hobby of mine.

Anyway! Back to my sweet preschooler. She gets to go 2 hours a day for 3 days a week. Woohoo! She absolutely loves Teacher Vicki and Sophie the dog and Marshmallow the bunny and and and... There's just so much. And that was just the first day.
Isn't she just cute?? So today she gets to go again. So I will be home alone again! Yay for mom!! I will go grocery shopping and then work on sharing time for Sunday without little people of any kind. I might just be able to get used to this! I guess maybe I should also work on my next Once Upon A Time episode, too. Maybe. I still need to watch The Office with the commentaries!


Lisa and Tate said...

That is a serious hobby. Yes Ruthie is truly a gorgeous gal! Oh to have hair like that! I have only caught the office a few times... I did like it, maybe I need to get watching the back episodes?!


Crissy said...

What a cutie patootie she is! I had a brief year when it was just me at home. I took a lot of naps and was sick all the time (pregnancy, LOL) enjoy your few hours alone to do whatever you want to do :) I can't wait for that time again!

Anonymous said...

Wow! Home alone! How exciting for you. Oh, to sit and watch the Office without interruptions! How I envy you! - Katie

Sarah said...

atleast your priorities are straight! the office is totally awesome. ruthie is too cute for her own good! and yeah that you get to be home alone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Single Women Adopting Children said...

I cannot believe how grown-up Ruthie looks! She looks like a Kindergartner vs. Preschooler (I think it's the height).

Yes- let's get together soon. My grant is due Sept 25 so- life until then will be crazy but let's plan for soon after that!

Kim said...

That is soo exciting that Ruthie is going to preschool! She is adorable.

Wowie! You get to be by yourself!!! You might even get to go to the bathroom by yourself every once in awhile now (that is my dream).

Laurie said...

Wow, time alone?! What is that like?!