Thursday, September 18, 2008

Once Upon A Time... Part 14

Dan came to pick me up for our fourth date. I was determined at this point to be more obvious about what I wanted. Him. Dan had made reservations for the Macaroni Grill. I suppose he was determined to take me there. When we got there, they said it would still be a 45 minute wait. Oh man! So we walked over to a neighboring furniture store. It smelled of leather couches and Dan's cologne. We just meandered through the store looking but mostly talking.

We found a beautiful black leather chair. We took turns sitting in it. Mmmm. Comfy. We just sat there and talked and then a clerk came over to ask if we were there to buy or just look. I remember looking at Dan and thinking, "One day, we'll be in a furniture store to buy! Together!" Just the 2 of us. We said we were just looking and the clerk moved on to find a buyer. Dan looked at the chair closely and said he would buy it if he had a way to get it home. He had a small car. I was impressed. Oh Yay!, I thought, we'll have leather furniture and stuff.

I'd like to insert here that we do not own anything leather at all. One day, though, I will have a vehicle with leather interior, leather couches, leather counter tops, leather toilet seats and leather pants. Wait, not counter tops. What was I thinking??

We finally decided it was time to head back to the restaurant. Bummer. The chair was so nice. We ate and decided it would have been better to go somewhere else. It was ok, just not worth 2 weeks of date wait! But the talk while we waited was nice. So was the view.

We went back to my house to watch a movie then. My parents and youngest brother were there and said hi to my dream man. We picked Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark to watch and headed to the basement. We cuddled under a blanket and the movie became background noise as we ki... talked! ( I'd like to insert here that I have previously referred to myself as Chastity's Poster Child.) We talked. He asked if it was ok to put his arm around me and I said yes. We cuddled and then a voice appeared from no where.

Adam. My brother. He wanted to meet Dan. Dan got up and went to shake his hand. Adam looked at Dan's stature and said, "Do you play basketball?" "Yes." "Good, we'll have to play sometime."

Awesome. I told Dan I was teaching Gospel Doctrine on Sunday and what I was going to teach. He said he would like to come to hear me teach again. Of course. I asked him if he'd like to just stay for dinner after and play basketball with all the guys. Of course. I told him I had choir practice after church and he was welcome to come to that or just come back to my house to wait for me. What kind of dumb invitation was that?? Come to my parents house to wait without me? Whatever. He would come to choir and asked if he could sing with us. Of course. What do you sing, I ask? Tenor. Wonderful! I need more tenors!

When he left that night he gave me the tightest, best hug at the door. I was twitterpated! I was falling for him fast! I was excited he would be with me at church the next day. Oh, what should I wear?? Doesn't matter! He liked me no matter what! I told my mom to expect one more for dinner the next day. I think she was excited he would be coming. Actually, all of my family, upon hearing that he would be there, was thrilled he would be there. I think they were all thinking the same thing I was. This is it!


Single Women Adopting Children said...

Like I said- you're a great story teller! How do you remember all of these details? Do you have them journaled? Looking forward to the next installment!

Anonymous said...

What she didn't tell you is that I don't really sing. I just wanted to be around. I just messed up all the other guys. It was a while before we actually got to sit together in church. It was then that she realized why the Tenors were so bad.

Jennie said...

d- SShhhhh!!! I'll tell all!! Don't ruin it for everyone else!!

Crissy said...

hee hee hee!! You TWO!! You are just so STINKIN' CUTE!!
You should be writing a book to give to all your kids about this. If you haven't already ;)
Can't wait for the next one....

Anonymous said...

Oh, he totally played the "yeah, I sing tenor" thing with you, huh? Sean did that to me too. I was so gonna marry someone who could sing. He had me so fooled! - Katie

Misty said...

How romantic! You guys make a very cute couple! And hey, I am so excited for you to get Sara June. You deserve her and she would be lucky to have you guys! My Uncle married a really sweet woman from China (a couple years ago) and she is learning English. We just lover her. Sara June will be here before you know it!

Rebecca McNair said...

I wish I had your memory! Cute story!

Kim said...

Fun fun fun! I love hearing your story - you're a great storyteller!