Monday, October 6, 2008


No! It wasn't my daredevil of a son, Isaac. He who has been swinging from ropes and monkey bars and tree limbs since he was 3. He who has jumped off high places into water or onto a trampoline.

And it wasn't my twirly whirly girl, Ruthie. She who loves to twirl and whirl until she falls, usually into something. She who has bumped into the same wall, which has remained in the same place, more times than I can count.

No. It was my too cautious Sam who broke his arm.

Yes. Broke his arm. We went to my parents house last night for dinner and birthday fun. Sam and his cousins were out playing on the swing set and my too cautious Sam decided to jump off the swing. Being the cautious boy that he is, he put his hands out to catch himself. The right one landed okay. The left one landed tucked under his arm. So we iced it. We medicated it. I planned for him to go to school today. Then I saw my sweet Sam's face this morning...
How can a mother send that face to school? So we dropped Isaac off and got dressed and headed for the Insta-Care. He thought it was all fun and games. I told him to at least pretend like his wrist hurt so they would think I had a reason to be seriously concerned. This is what I got...
Uhuh. Then the x-ray came back. The bone buckled right below his left wrist. (At least he can still take spelling tests!) So the Dr. said it needed a cast. So he sent us to the cast room. Aren't you in pain, Sam?
The same room where he got the stitch in his lip when he crashed into his brother's head. He knew the room well. Then the Dr. came in and started wrapping his arm. He got quiet and still. He still hasn't moved and we've been home for about an hour. I think it traumatized him. He picked the blue cast. It's his favorite color.

We dropped Ruthie off at preschool as Sam called Abbie and Dad to tell them the news. Then we headed to the new McDonalds to grab some lunch. He gets to sit on the couch for a while now and eat and watch mindless cartoons. Then we're going to the school to get this week's homework so he can get started. His right arm works just fine, thank you. We'll also practice washing hands with only one hand and pulling pants down and up for potty breaks at school.

Because he will be back at school tomorrow. The cast will be on for 4 weeks. Maybe this will teach him to land wrong on his hand! It already itches. Darn!


Sarah said...

Darn it! Thats no fun. Though it looked like he was having fun at the Dr. office. :) Good look retraining to do stuff with one hand. Wish I had a suggestion.

Anonymous said...

Oh, poor Sam! Although he doesn't look all that broken up about it. Isn't a broken bone a rite of passage for a little boy? Congratulations Sam, you are now a real boy! - Katie

Lisa and Tate said...

Ouch!!! Poor Sam. So cute, even with a "sad face"... glad you are not letting him slack on spelling and dishes!

Andrea said...

Poor kid. At least it isn't summertime, the heat can drive one nuts! Hope he heals quickly!

Anonymous said...

So sorry,Sam! Most of all So Sorry Jennie! It can be so hard on Mom too, when children get hurt! We have a little 3 year old on her second arm brake in 3 months, we'll pray it doesn't happen to you!

Hollyween said...

Oh geez! That's the last thing anybody needs. It's hard for the mom AND the kid. Poor little Sam! I'm sure Levi will think it's 'cool' though. Boys!
I hope he feels better! You sure wouldn't have guessed he was too hurt by those first couple of pics. He must be a tough little guy!

Momma Ballou said...

Getting caught up on all your posts. Looove the mummies, I might have to try them. and poor sam. I bet he gets alot of attention though.

Laurie said...

Ahhh, he actually broke it?!!! Poor Sam! I can't believe he was not in more pain last night! Congrats on the cool cast, Sam!

Kim said...

Oh goodness! It does take the fun out of it when the Dr. tells you that something is actually broken, huh! Poor little guy...until tomorrow when he is a celebrity at school because he has a cast now.

Kristi said...

Yuck! Broken bones are no fun. Sky did the same thing a few years ago. She loved all the diffent colors of cast (warning 4 weeks is just an estimate). Lucky Sam he won't have to miss out on any fun summer swimming!

Misty said...

Boys love to be wild and crazy! We still love them though! I'm sorry Sam broke his arm. I think they just are busy having fun and forget how bad it will hurt when they land! They learn the hard way!

Crissy said...

OWIE!! (is that a word) hmmmm, ok, Ouchie? LOL!! Poor Sam! I am glad that he has a good sense of humor about it.
I keep thinking that before Brandon is 5, he may be wearing one of those. That little dude scares me!
I hope it heals quickly!! :)

Single Women Adopting Children said...

Love the blue color! If you're going to hurt yourself- choose a good cast color. Hope he's not in too much pain. I've never broken anything - knock on wood - but- just a sprain was painful.