Friday, October 17, 2008

8 Tag

I was tagged by Sarah and here are my answers...

8 TV Shows:
  1. The Office
  2. Survivor
  3. Biggest Loser
  4. Extreme Makover: Home Edition
  5. M*A*S*H
  6. I Love Lucy
  7. Cosby Show
  8. Ace of Cakes

(As you can you see, mostly I live in the past and am not in touch with reality!)

8 Restaurants

  1. Cafe Rio
  2. Burrito Grande
  3. Olive Garden
  4. La Frontera
  5. Quiznos
  6. Wendy's
  7. Rice King (I feel bad that they don't seem to get a lot of customers, so we get all our Chinese there!)
  8. Outback (Have you ever had sirloin steak, honey?)

8 Things I Did Yesterday

  1. Cleaned the house
  2. Took my kids to McDonald's for lunch
  3. Took my kids to the dollar store to spend some fun money
  4. Played school with my kids
  5. Played kiss tag with my kids
  6. Made dinner
  7. Got my hair cut and colored (YAY!)
  8. Watched The Office and Survivor

8 Things I'm Looking Forward To

  1. A clean house
  2. A stay at home date with Daniel tonight
  3. Super Saturday
  4. Primary program
  5. St George with my mom and sisters
  6. Ruthie's 5th birthday
  7. Christmas
  8. A clean house

8 Things On My Wish List

  1. A clean house
  2. A finished basement
  3. New carpet
  4. Happy, well adjusted kids
  5. A good cloning service
  6. Self made dinners
  7. Instant weight loss
  8. A clean house

There you are. So now I get to tag. I'm not tagging 8 people, but if you aren't listed and want to do it, go right on ahead! Crissy, Melanie and Kim H. (who just started her own blog and needs something on it so I can go back and read it again!!) You are all tagged!


Anonymous said...

What would YOU do for Outback coupons? - Katie

Mama Bear said...

mmmm..burrito grande and survivor in a clean house that you didn't have to clean. Sounds like one heck of a night to me!

Crissy said...

How fun! I wouldn't mind a clean house too, I just never seem to get it to that point before starting over again.
Good to hear you also keep Rice King in business! That's the only place I will get Chinese food. I have been craving that place for a a while now. Maybe we'll have to get lunch or dinner there sometime soon!

Joe(y) Speredon said...

You don't find too many MASH lovers these days. It is definitely in my top ten favorite shows of all time.