Friday, December 19, 2008

Are you kidding me?

Last night Daniel and I were flipping through channels trying to find something to watch. Daniel kept stopping on this show called Things Removed From The Human Body. Sounds ominous! We started watching and they start talking about this young man in India.

In India the men are men and the women are women. Meet so and so. He thought he was a man...

He started having stomach cramps and was in so much pain he went to the emergency room. Knowing what's coming, I start being very cynical at this point of this young man. Buck up!! Pull up your socks!

They misdiagnose him with a hernia and take him in for surgery. As the surgeon is probing around his abdomen trying to find the hernia, he finds something else...


This boy had a uterus and went to the emergency room for cramps! Waaahh! Sniff sniff! I feel so sorry for him! Not! As I'm trying to be empathetic for this young man who, when he wakes up will be introduced to a totally new idea about himself, I found my empathy lacking. They did remove the uterus after checking hormone levels to see if he was a man or woman. He's a man.

No man should have a uterus. The emergency rooms wouldn't know what to do with all the men who come in every 28 days complaining of cramps.

How would the rest of us function if they had cramps?? I think I have PMS. Yep. I handle all this with chocolate and cold caffeinated beverages...only 2 a day. Chocolate knows no bounds, though.

I don't go to the emergency room.


Jen said...

Sheesh. Wimp. I WAS the queen of cramps. I use to get cramps so bad when I was younger, I would throw up so much I often had to get a shot in the butt to make me stop. Not once did I EVER go to the ER. We get cramps and manage to do the laundry and cook, all at the same time! Women rule.

Crissy said...

ROFL!!! Oh my Heck!! Are you serious!? Can imagine how they would feel if they had to give birth? Hmmm, let's not even go there boys!! That would be a little too much! Just don't make a woman mad who is in labor. Just ask my Husband, he knows what will happen.

Sarah said...

WHAT?! (i don't have much more to say than that)

Mama Bear said...

What a baby! Although I don't know how I'd handle the usual cramps since its been quite some time, but emergency room...I don't think so! I also second Crissy's comment about making a woman mad who's in labor. Another word of advice...don't eat in front of her either!!! Tony knows all too well about both!

Anonymous said...

LOL!!!! - Katie

Kim said...

How is that even possible?? Yeah, like we could go to the hospital for cramps...whatever. That sounds like a funny show though!