Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Count Down
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Tuesday Musings
What, may you ask, does that have to do with the price of eggs? I really don't know. I have been trying to talk Daniel into getting chickens so we can have the eggs without paying a pretty penny. So far I don't have chickens. And I do pay a pretty penny for eggs.
I do keep telling Daniel that having chickens would be better than sliced bread. Speaking of bread, and sliced bread at that! I haven't been baking bread for a while. I think it has something to do with a hot kitchen and a hot summer. So I have been buying G-ma Sycamore wheat bread. It goes on sale for $1.50 sometimes. So I buy 10 loaves (you wouldn't believe the weird looks I get in the store!) and put them in the freezer. It's the best freezing bread. So I don't have to buy bread for a couple of weeks.
And speaking of laundry. What's that? We weren't speaking of laundry? Well, now that we are. I have a load of clean kitchen towels sitting in a basket in the laundry room. I also have a load of clothes in the dryer that have been sitting in there since Saturday. So, I don't have clean kitchen towels in my kitchen. I also don't have the laundry basket for the dirty clothes that are piling up in my closet. I also don't have those clothes folded and put away and ready to be worn. Hmm. Maybe that's why we couldn't find any jeans for Isaac this morning. Good thing it will be warm today. He had to wear shorts to school. It will be in the upper 60's today, you know. I need to go start opening windows. The house is warming up.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
I'm hungry!
Friday, October 24, 2008
Prop 8---In Support of Marriage!
PLEASE READ THIS no matter what state you live in.Failure to pass Proposition 8 will hurt children.If gay marriage remains legal, public schools will put it on equal footing with traditional marriage. Children will likely receive “age appropriate” information about sexual relations within heterosexual and homosexual marriages.
Failure to pass Proposition 8 will hurt churches.The court’s decision will inevitably lead to conflicts with religious liberty and free speech rights. Society will become more and more hostile to traditional beliefs about marriage and family. Over time, greater acceptance of nontraditional marriage will be demanded of all people. This could impact the ability of any religion to teach and practice its beliefs.Including adoption agencies.
A YES vote will not hurt gays. In California, the law provides for marriage-related benefits to be given to civil unions and domestic partnerships. Proposition 8 does not diminish these benefits.
For your information:
On Friday, October 10th, 2008 a first-grade class took a field trip to witness a lesbian wedding in California. Click Here for the article from the San Francisco Chronicle.
A father in Massachusetts was frustrated when his kindergartner was taught about homosexuality at school by the teachers. He insisted he be notified in the future before such things were discussed so he could pull his boy out of school. He was taken to jail.
Click Here for the story.
A Catholic adoption agency In the UK closed their doors because of the Government's new homosexual equality laws. The Equality Act forbids discrimination in the provision of goods and services on the basis of sexual orientation. The law was forced through Parliament last year despite past Prime Minister Tony Blair's recommendation that Catholic adoption agencies be exempted from the rules.
Click Here for more info.
Earlier this month judges in Conneticut overturned the state law (just as the judges in California did) to legalized gay marriage. This is not just an issue in California. We voted years ago to keep traditional marriage as the only marriage recognized in the state of California, 4 judges overturned our vote…and we need to fight back. That is what this Proposition is about.This is happening everywhere and the leaders of the church and others have warned that the outcome of California’s vote will affect the way the other states vote.
So PLEASE…even if you don’t live in California, put this on your blog or email this on. The internet knows no state line. You know contacts in California that I don’t…and so do your friends. Please pass this on as it could eventually have an effect on everyone!
"Occasionally discouragement may darken our pathway; frustration may be a constant companion. In our ears there may sound the sophistry of Satan as he whispers, "You cannot save the world; your small efforts are meaningless. You haven't time to be concerned for others." Trusting in the Lord, let us turn our heads from such falsehoods and make certain our feet are firmly planted in the path of service and our hearts and souls dedicated to follow the example of the Lord."
--President Thomas S. Monson
Click Here for excerpts from the Broadcast given by Elders M. Russell Ballard, Quentin L. Cook and L. Whitney Clayton. A good resource mentioned in the broadcast: 20th: Last day to apply for an absentee ballot if voting out of state. Click Here to get one.October 27th: Last day to apply for “Vote by Mail” Click Here for info.November 4th: Election day. Polls close at 8:00pm. Vote by mail must be received by this time and can be hand delivered if necessary.
YOU'VE BEEN TAGGED...Here's what you do:In the broadcast we were asked to "go viral on our blogs, etc" by Elder Ballard. This is my way of going viral. If you feel this is an important issue I ask that you copy and paste this post...and post it on your blog. PLEASE keep it at the top of your blog through November 4th. which you can adjust each time you post under the "edit post" option. The internet knows NO STATE LINE. You know contacts in California that I do do your friends and their friends...and so on. Please do this. If not for your own children and the effect it could have on them some day...for mine! After you have posted this to your contacts and TAG all your blogging buddies to do the same.THANK YOU!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Gotta Go, Gotta Go, Gotta Go!
On Saturday, I was heavily involved in making my crafts at Super Saturday, and then realized that I had needed to go for a while. I still didn't go. Not till I got home.
So does anyone else have this problem?? I just don't have time to take out of my busy day to go! Seriously. I have heard that in really olden days, that women's bladders would really burst because it was inappropriate to leave whatever they were doing to go. Have you heard that? I didn't learn that in History class. Now that I think about it...the Ingalls kids would go to the outhouse, but I never ever saw Caroline go! Hmm. I wonder if her bladder ever burst. When I do go, I usually realize that I haven't sat down all day. Except on the stool. It doesn't really count. I usually end up standing anyway. Like right now. Maybe it's because I gotta go! Maybe I should end this and just go. K. Bye!
Monday, October 20, 2008
Oh The Dirt
Sunday, October 19, 2008
I'm A Nut!
Lying on the cold, cold ground
Everybody steps on me
That is why I'm cracked you see
I'm a nut (crack, crack)
I'm a nut (crack crack)
I'm a nut, I'm a nut, I'm a nut (crack crack)
The "crack" is when you click your tongue on the roof of your mouth. It's also the sound of me cracking.
Why am I a nut, you ask? Why am I cracking? It's Primary Program time. Not enough detail? Parts, music, who sings what verse, how many kids can give the same talk, how are we gonna get over 110 kiddos on the stand, do we have them up there during the Sacrament or just all come up right before we start, will they get all the talks written and back to me on time, will the little kids sit reverently, will the littlest kids sing, will the president's head explode???????
I hope not.
I mean I hope my head doesn't explode. I DO hope they sing, do their parts, are reverent, etc.
It'll be fine. Just smile and wave. Enjoy the cracking. It'll be all over soon.....
Friday, October 17, 2008
8 Tag
8 TV Shows:
- The Office
- Survivor
- Biggest Loser
- Extreme Makover: Home Edition
- M*A*S*H
- I Love Lucy
- Cosby Show
- Ace of Cakes
(As you can you see, mostly I live in the past and am not in touch with reality!)
8 Restaurants
- Cafe Rio
- Burrito Grande
- Olive Garden
- La Frontera
- Quiznos
- Wendy's
- Rice King (I feel bad that they don't seem to get a lot of customers, so we get all our Chinese there!)
- Outback (Have you ever had sirloin steak, honey?)
8 Things I Did Yesterday
- Cleaned the house
- Took my kids to McDonald's for lunch
- Took my kids to the dollar store to spend some fun money
- Played school with my kids
- Played kiss tag with my kids
- Made dinner
- Got my hair cut and colored (YAY!)
- Watched The Office and Survivor
8 Things I'm Looking Forward To
- A clean house
- A stay at home date with Daniel tonight
- Super Saturday
- Primary program
- St George with my mom and sisters
- Ruthie's 5th birthday
- Christmas
- A clean house
8 Things On My Wish List
- A clean house
- A finished basement
- New carpet
- Happy, well adjusted kids
- A good cloning service
- Self made dinners
- Instant weight loss
- A clean house
There you are. So now I get to tag. I'm not tagging 8 people, but if you aren't listed and want to do it, go right on ahead! Crissy, Melanie and Kim H. (who just started her own blog and needs something on it so I can go back and read it again!!) You are all tagged!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Isn't She Lovely!
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
I have a friend...
I it the weather? I take some pain meds that are advertised to help arthritis pain. Not a thing!! So I go to my old standby...ibuprofen. Yum! I can actually move it enough to make Sunday night dinner...thanks for the onion powder, Amie!
Then I wake up on Monday morning. The sun is shining. No snow is falling. (we had well over a foot!) And the day is supposed to be much warmer than the last three days. My fluffy middle finger is no longer swollen and can move pretty well. Hmmm... Do you think? Could it possibly be?? Could I be getting old enough that the weather will now determine my ability to use my fluffy middle finger??
Oh I feel so old. I use reading glasses. I have arthritis. I have been told to take a baby aspirin everyday so I don't die of a heart attack. Yeppers. I am coming close to old age. The gray hairs have slowed down, though. Weird!
So now my favorite time of year, Cold, is going to be the death of my right middle finger. Oh well. I shouldn't be using it anyway! Have a terrific Tuesday!!
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Sunday Snow!
They also tackled each other. It's no fun unless you can tackle your siblings with great big boots and gloves and snowsuits on!
I think they tried to build something. But they got cold. So they stopped. Sam had to have a newspaper bag on his cast arm with a sock over that. No gloves could fit over that cast! It did stay dry!
Isaac crawled under the tramp and made a tunnel to the other side. He was met with snowballs and tackles from his siblings!
On to lighter things now...We went to Stake Conference this morning (is lighter the right word?) as I said above. Our Stake Presidency had some great counsel for us. Our President gave great counsel on our families. We are living in some perilous times and it was a very timely message! But the talk that I really appreciated came from one of his counselors. He talked to the kids. I wanted to take a nap, but I knew I needed to listen to be able to quiz my kids later. He talked about being obedient and following our parents. He told the story of Jonah and the whale. Because Jonah went the opposite direction the Lord wanted him to, he was swallowed by a whale. (the condensed version, thank you!) Then he told another story. But all I remember was a horse names Dandy. He left his pasture and was hit by a car. Then he left his pasture again and ate some oats with rat poison in them and died. So the moral is...listen and be obedient or you will be swallowed by a obedient or you will eat oats with rat poison and die. Okay. Not really. But my kids now are told that they are being swallowed by a whale when they have to sit on the stool. So far only one has had to be swallowed. Maybe we'll try rat poison. Kidding!!!! No. I would never do that.
Back to the pictures. I didn't go outside. I needed to be barefoot AND warm. So I took pictures through the back window. I think I've mentioned before that I don't clean windows. I already know what it looks like outside. So the pictures are not great. But I think you get the idea.
And here's a funny for ya! As we left this morning, we saw many cars passing as we were ready to drive out of our houses. They all had their Sunday duds on and we just figured them for all the other Mormons going to Stake Conference. So we got in line behind them. When we got to the stop sign where we figured we would turn right to get to the Tabernacle, they all started turning left. So Daniel says, "Is it at the Stake Center?" I say, "No, they said it's at the Tabernacle." So why are they all going to the Stake Center?? So we turn left, too. Then we realize they are all turning to go into our church building. WAIT! NO! They are turning into the Catholic church parking lot. DUH! So we almost went to the Catholic church this morning! Needless to say, we laughed the rest of the way to the Tabernacle!
Ooops! Someone needs to be swallowed by a whale. Gotta go!
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Once Upon A Time... Part 16
My first date was my junior prom. He didn't have his license yet so I drove his mom's car. He ended the evening by standing on his tippy toes, rocking back and forth asking, "Do I get a good night kiss?" The relationship ended when he yelled ugly remarks across the school courtyard to my good friend. There was the one who would be at every Regional Dance just to dance with me. I always knew when he sent a letter to me because a 10 foot radius around the mailbox would reek of cheap cologne. At one of the dances he requested King For A Day by Thompson Twins and dedicated it to me. There was the one who I was set up with just moments before they were to leave on a group date. We played pool then went to a play. After the play he asked me what I thought was the oddest question. "In your opinion, what was Christ's best quality?" I realized after he took me home that I never even knew his name. There was the one who asked me out and with every question he asked me, he would disagree with my point of view and say awful things about my opinion on the matter. He was very upset when I said I didn't want to go out with him again. There was the one from work who had to pull over every 10-15 miles to put another quart of oil in his car. He talked a lot about hunting and dead stuff. There was the one who took me to see Legacy and talked about how he and his friends could do a better job than the prophet. I called him on blasphemy and asked him to just take me home when he asked if I wanted to get something to eat. There was the one I wrote to on his mission for 2 years and when I went back out to California to see him, made eyes at my sister's friend who had come to keep my sister company while I went on a couple of dates with him. I drove all the way back to Utah myself and played The Carpenters really loud over and over just because I knew she hated it. There was the one from my ward who was a fun friend and who I knew was much younger and who I knew kinda had a crush on me. He took me to a concert in the park and we talked about how long we'd been home from our missions, and I said I'd been home a couple of years. He said in a slow voice,"How old are you?" I said I was 26. (He was 22) The rest of the date went not so smoothly and friendly. There was the one who I went out with a few times. He got a cold and stopped calling me. I took a "get better soon" basket with tissues and hot cocoa and meds in it. He wouldn't come to the door. I never saw him again. There was the one who actually asked me out 3 times, even though he never went out with a girl more than twice. He had told our Bishop he would marry me "if he had to". Whatever. There was the one that was a polygamist. There was the one who beat his wives.
Now there was Dan. My dark brown eyed angel, Dan. Dan who thought I was wonderful yet knew I had so much potential. Dan who knew that creating a family would be tough yet who would do whatever it took to get our family here. Dan who thought my nose was the cutest nose he'd ever seen. Dan who loved to listen to the sound of my voice when I taught Gospel Doctrine and wanted to ask me out just to hear my voice again. Dan who knew that without me, he would be lost and alone forever!
Monday, October 6, 2008
And it wasn't my twirly whirly girl, Ruthie. She who loves to twirl and whirl until she falls, usually into something. She who has bumped into the same wall, which has remained in the same place, more times than I can count.
No. It was my too cautious Sam who broke his arm.
Yes. Broke his arm. We went to my parents house last night for dinner and birthday fun. Sam and his cousins were out playing on the swing set and my too cautious Sam decided to jump off the swing. Being the cautious boy that he is, he put his hands out to catch himself. The right one landed okay. The left one landed tucked under his arm. So we iced it. We medicated it. I planned for him to go to school today. Then I saw my sweet Sam's face this morning...
We dropped Ruthie off at preschool as Sam called Abbie and Dad to tell them the news. Then we headed to the new McDonalds to grab some lunch. He gets to sit on the couch for a while now and eat and watch mindless cartoons. Then we're going to the school to get this week's homework so he can get started. His right arm works just fine, thank you. We'll also practice washing hands with only one hand and pulling pants down and up for potty breaks at school.
Because he will be back at school tomorrow. The cast will be on for 4 weeks. Maybe this will teach him to land wrong on his hand! It already itches. Darn!
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Friday, October 3, 2008
Freaky Friday!
This is Isaac's mummy. Notice the trail of "blood". (Ketchup is so great!) Apparently this mummy was shot in the middle and the blood oozed out. Love it!
Cut one crescent triangle into strips and roll into one long snake.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
This is Ellie.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Quirky Tag
1. I am a very even person. Not tempered. Just numbers. I have to take an even number of steps inside a square. Eat an even number of bites on each side of my mouth, eat an even number of M&Ms, have each hand do an even number of tasks. I know it's wierd. I guess that's why it's a quirk.
2. I eat my Oreos by taking them apart, then biting the cookie part around the cream, then eat the cookie half, then enjoy the cream with just the little bit of cookie that's left.
3. I've kinda grown out of this one. But since I'm racking my brain for another 4 quirks, I'll share it. I used to read license plates and know when the car was purchased. It had to do with the beginning letter of the letter set. Utah plates go 123 ABC and by that first letter, I could tell you when it was purchased. I was getting quite good at the centennial plates in which the letters started on the other end of the alphabet.
4. I could call this one good scheduling, but it really is a quirk. I have to have homework and laundry and dishes and lunch (for the next day) making all at a certain time. Homework started by 4 and done with each boy sitting in a certain place at the table. Laundry on Wednesday and Saturday. Only if necessary on other days, but it really bugs me. Dishes right after we eat. And we have to eat by 5:30, otherwise I get cranky cause it throws off the rest of the evening, like making lunches for the next day right after dishes are done.
5. All the chairs at my table have to be in under the table a certain way. During the day, and especially when kids are all home, the 2 end chairs need to be tucked behind one side of the table "feet". After the kids go to bed, I take them out and they just go in normal.
6. (Whew! Finally!) I really don't mind dust. Is this a quirk or just bad housekeeping?? I don't care. If I did, it would be a quirk to go around dusting everything at least once a week. Right?
Okay. The rules. I just did 6 quirks. I usually don't ever actually tag people because I don't like the pressure. But if 6 of you...hmmm...Laurie, Melanie, Kim, Crissy, Leanne and Holly, would like the challenge and don't mind the pressure, please amaze us all. And anyone else who wants to. No pressure! Share 6 quirks and then tag 6 more people. If you can handle it. And if any of you listed doesn't want to do it, well, just run to your local grocer and get yourself some Ding Dongs and rest easy!!