Sunday, January 4, 2009

Day 4...Pictures

Okay! I think I may post my daily pictures on Sunday. But don't quote me on that. This might just turn out to be all I blog about! (snore!) But I plan to have a Make a Meal on Monday. So maybe not. Here are my pictures for day 1 and day 4. Which is today.

My kids start each Sunday with 3 scoops of ice cream. At church, if they aren't being reverent, we give them a warning (just 1 warning). After the warning, they lose a scoop. From then on, they lose a scoop till it's gone without anymore warnings. They are pretty good about reverence when we are pretty good about the scoops...

Ruthie eating her scoops of ice cream!
We seem to have a pharmacy all our own. Vitamins for the kiddos, cholesterol meds for me, melatonin so everyone goes to sleep, anti asthma meds and anti dog hair meds for Isaac, aspirin to reduce my risk of a heart attack, the pill crusher, the Diet Pepper...
Did you know that Dr. Pepper was invented to be used as a medicine? Thus the "Dr". Still works well today! Notice the guy on the ladder in the background! I'd be hightailing it out of there, too!
Happy Sunday!


Crissy said...

You are so funny! Great pictures! I especially like the one of Ruthie enjoying her ice cream, that looks so good right now.
I know what you mean about the weekly post. I am patiently waiting (not really feeling patient) for day 7 to get here so I can get that weekly post ball rolling. I promise I haven't bailed on the 365 day project here!

Jen said...

I know someone that would give her primary class (they were in Senior Primary) a candy bar once in a while and everytime they were naughty she would break off a piece of the candy bar for herself! Evillll!

Nice still life of drugs!

Single Women Adopting Children said...

Have you found kid melatonin? Shanna has not been sleeping & has a hard time taking pills. Just wondering.

I really like the consequences for not being reverent. You and Daniel are truly just don't know it. You could come teach my classes at the U on behavior management!

Single Women Adopting Children said...
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Kristi said...

yummmm - now I need icecream.

Kim said...

That is such a great idea - the ice cream scoops! How old were they when you started that? I'm wondering if it would work for Jake.

Laurie said...

I love the ice cream scoop idea. Have your kids ever been left with nothing?

Jennie said...

To answer some questions....

Kim...we started last year. It took 1 Sunday for them to realize what we were talking about. It was mostly out of desparation. It just happens to work.

Laurie...Yeppers! Sam has been left with nothin' on more than one occasion!

Jen...Just evil! I love it!

Leanne...I get 300 Micrograms and split one tablet among 3 kids. It's tasteless and we just mix it in chocolate milk before bed.

Misty said...

Great idea! I just might have to try that out on my kids! They love ice cream! well, who doesn't?