Take me back to 8th grade! 1984. Uhuh. I know. Many of you weren't even born yet. Whodini. Remember them? The era when many would wear one glove, tight pants and zippers in everything. Feathers in our hair. Get your cassette tapes out and get ready to push Record when the DJ says Whodini is coming up next. (Or Madonna. Or Michael Jackson. Or Culture Club. Or Chaka Khan. Or Deniece Williams. Or Hall & Oats. Or...oh, stop me now!) Where's my boombox??
Oh, you know who you are! The Freaks Come Out At Night. The Freaks Come Out At Night. THE FREAKS COME OUT!
So I just changed one word and told my kids that the freaks come out at nine. So they have to be in bed by 8. Hey, it worked.
My Freaks...
Hut 1 Hut 2. Hut Hut Hut...
1 comment:
LOL!!! You crack me up!
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