Thursday, August 12, 2010

Calm Vs. Spazzy.

So the goat is ours!
Our neighbors left for good yesterday.
But our Wednesday was more than just officially getting Cass.
She was distraught.
Very distraught.
After they came and got Cooper, Cass broke out of her collar and ran amuck.
She didn't eat our garden, though.
But the kids and I chased her all day.
By piano lessons I didn't smell very good.
But we went and chose a new collar for her.
And a better leash.
Oh, and a second collar.
Just in case.
I got a nice bruised scrape on my arm from her horn.
When Daniel got home we cornered her out in the east weed plantation.
We got her chained up.
Then moved the calf shed and got her over to it.
We got some hay from the neighbors yard.
This morning when my kids went out to check on her she jumped through the window of the calf shed.
Dumb goat.
And all of our Wednesday activities (much of which I left out) reminded me of something.
On Tuesday we had our Wolf Den Meeting at my new co den leader's house.
She is our Bishop's wife and is awesome.
Her kids are calm and good and stuff.
She has this dog.
She's cute.
And calm.
So I asked about her.
As she explained how they got her and what a calm and good dog she is I realized something.
Every one who comes into their family is calm and good and stuff.
And after Wednesday's escapades with Cass the Spass(z), I realized that everyone who comes to my family is a spaz!
And I'm so okay with that.
I love my spazzy kids.
The goat...
Well...I'm still working on that one.


Crissy said...

LOL!! You are so funny! I don't ever see you guys as being spazzy, Just full of one adventure after another. But it sure sounds like you have your hands full with a spazzy goat :)

Laurie said...

Ha! I got spazzies too-kids and dog!