Thursday, February 5, 2009

Today's Plan

It's Thursday. It's been a long week. Sam has been great. He's my iron man this week. He's at school. Ruthie has a bit of a cough, but not enough to keep her from preschool. Isaac finally has color back in his face and is starting to eat more. He announced today that he still needs to stay home but will be going to school tomorrow. Frankly, I think he's just bored. Daniel is still coughing his guts out. Actually it's phlegm. It also makes me gag when he coughs. Gross. He's in a hot bath right now trying to warm up. He still swears he's taking me out tomorrow night. Hey, I'm game! I have had a tiny tickle in my throat that just makes me cough a little. I also turn 38 today. Since I didn't sleep last night due to the continuous coughing of people around me, I am not turning cartwheels. Not that I would anyway. But a birthday is a day to celebrate. Right?

So here's my plan. Blog. Take some Excedrin. Take a nap. Maybe get up. Sit for a while. Take a shower. Watch mindless TV. Make a chocolate cake. (mmm) Dream about eating dinner out tomorrow night. Frost the cake. Take a nap. Have chocolate cake for dinner. Think heavily of the movie popcorn I will be enjoying tomorrow night. Have spaghetti for dessert. Watch the Office. Go to bed.
Daniel says he'll just be having dinner tonight. No dessert for him. For some reason he doesn't like spaghetti. But it's cheap, it's easy, I like it, it's my birthday. Please don't feel sorry for me. I can still go get myself a large caffeinated beverage away from home without needing to take anyone with me. Yay for me!

Happy Thursday!


Andrea said...

Happy Birthday!

Laurie said...

Happy birthday! Enjoy dinner! what's with Daniel and spaghetti? I thought everybody liked spaghetti.

Crissy said...

Sounds like a plan! Except the spaghetti part, I have had way too much of that lately, I think I need a break. Cake for dinner though, Sounds good with some Diet Dr. Pepper! Oh wait, better skip that or you'll be up all night.
Happy Birthday, Jennie! :) I hope everyone is better in time for your dinner tomorrow.

Sarah said...

Happy Birthday!!! I love spaghetti too. I hope Daniel feels better so you can go out tomorrow.

Lisa and Tate said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY... like the Chocolate cake and caffiene drink for meals!!! Dreaming of movie popcorn is a great birthday thought.

Single Women Adopting Children said...

Sounds like a good day!

Kim said...

I'm so sorry that I missed your birthday. I am glad that you go to go out anyway! And Cake for dinner sounds divine! A merry merry un-birthday to you!

Hollyween said...

That sounds like my kind of day. I hope you had an awesome birthday. You deserve it!