Friday, September 4, 2009

What Do You Do When The Garage Door Breaks?

And school starts in less than 10 minutes? And your hubby is an hour away and can't come fix it? And your only vehicle is trapped inside? And your kids are teary eyed from fear? Well, here's what I did. After my kids were scared out of their skin because the spring broke, Loudly!, and then started making noise that could rival a rocket launch, I ran my boys out the door to RUN to school. Here's the seemingly harmless contraption...
Doesn't look too bad until you look at the ginormous spring. What ginormous spring you ask?
That ginormous spring! It had Isaac and Ruthie running in the house screaming, and poor Sam, who was already in the van, hunched down with tears in his eyes, asking, "Is it over?"
As I ran down the street in my flip flops, trying to catch my boys to make sure they were okay, I really tried to hide the tears coming down my face as many people passed and waved. Hello!!

As I yelled down the street to my boys to get to school as fast as they can and to just walk home, my gallant neighbor rode up in his big red truck. He got my boys, drove them to school and then came back to my house and lifted the ginormously heavy garage door and held it there so I could get my van out.

And yes, I was crying!
I thought it would be a good time to release toxins from my body!

Then I called the school to have them check on my boys to make sure they were okay. I cried again. The lady said, "What Happened??" I began to explain that the garage door broke and then I felt a little dumb to have to explain something seemingly trivial while sobbing on the phone. At least someone should have gotten hurt or died or something. Just kidding!

Thank you, Amie and Jeff, for saving me!

My boys were fine.
We all went to get a donut and soda after school. We needed some serious therapy.

We need a new garage door opener. And possibly a new garage door. Isn't 10 years the limit for stuff like that? And I also need new blinds on one of my windows. It won't open. And in my state, I need as much sunshine as possible.

And a diet pepper! And a donut.


Crissy said...

How scary!! What a blessing that no one was hurt! I always get scared when I think of what could possibly happen if the spring broke. Glad everyone is ok! I was wondering why you were parked in your driveway, I don't often see that.

Kates said...

Poor kids! Amazing how sensitive they are to stuff like that. Glad everyone is ok!

Kim said...

What a crummy way to start the day! That would scare me and make me cry too! You totally deserved that doughnut!