Wednesday, October 21, 2009

What Super Power Will You Use Today?

This morning, we were sitting eating breakfast and I told my kids that today they needed to use their super powers for good. Not that they use them for evil, mind you. But they were all awake at 6:20 this morning. A mom's gotta survive. Isaac and Sam both looked up with little smiles from their breakfast. Ruthie said, "What?! What super powers?" So I explained. Super Smile. Super Kindness. Super Helping. Super Service. Super whatever! Got it? So I asked each of my kids which super power they were going to use for "good" today.

Isaac is using Super Kindness. Which I can totally get. He is a kind kid. He loves to help others. He will go far with his super power!
Sam will also be using Super Kindness today. Sam is a squishy love bug. When he is kind, look out. He will kill with kindness. But in a good way!
Ruthie originally wanted to use her Super Smile. Then she switched to Super Kindness, too. She loves her brothers and wants to be like them. In this case, I will let her. Although I think her Super Smile will take the cake!
What Super Power will you use today?


Mama Bear said...

Can I use my Super Human-making power today? Does that cut it? Its about all I have the energy for today (even that might be pushing it). I like the idea, I'm going to have to start asking myself that every day.

Crissy said...

Now that is just a "SUPER" duper cute post! I love it! I Super love it! hee hee :)

Jen said...

I would have to say I'm going to be using my daily "Conner" super power. Because, as you know... he is a super power all on his own. He's an expert at climbing walls, escaping (like last night, in the dark, to our neighbor's house!!!), running, etc.. I'm exhausted!

Kates said...

Awesome! I need some super powers myself!

Bryan K. Medlyn said...

oh, they are so cute!

Single Women Adopting Children said...

I love this idea! Nice way to get the kids into doin super things:)

I will use my super cleaning skills today - my house is a mess!