Sunday, September 13, 2009

A Day In The Life.

Monday...Labor Day. Daniel went to a local nursery and bought 3 trees. 2 shade and 1 fruit. He dug the hole and the kids jumped in for a picture. Aren't they cute?! We also celebrated the labors of others by getting drive thru Burrito Grande.
Tuesday...Ruthie got some leggings to wear with her skirts for school. This is the toned down version of pink girl. She was wearing a louder pink skirt, pink leggings and a very pink shirt. I told her it looked like the pink panther threw up on her. This was just a little spit up.
Wednesday...Laundry day. I always keep the dryer sheets on the bed in a pile as I get laundry done. It's always a form of pleasure to wad up the dryer sheets to throw them away. Isaac also had a check up with the orthodontist. He teeth are still in place, but we have some rogue adult teeth coming in. We need to get 2 baby teeth pulled soon.
Thursday...Fourth grade is tough. We'd been in less than 2 weeks and Isaac had a Science project to do. It was a leaf collection. Due today. Isaac did a great job labeling and taping all the leaves. He also had fun picking them. I didn't have fun trying to figure out about 4 of them. So we guessed.
Friday...Daniel had actually gone to buy just the piece needed for the opener to work. They don't sell the pieces. So he bought a whole, new opener. Then he took out the piece he needed and put it in. The door works awesomely! But we have a whole garage door opener in a box in the garage. That all happened Thursday night. But we are on Friday. I went with my friend Crissy to the Taste Of Home Show. We had dinner and lots of fun at the show. Daniel took the kids to a work BBQ. He brought home 5 lbs of ribs.
Saturday...Hair cut day with Aunt Shelba for mom and Ruthie. We also got a new street topper on just a small section of our street. Daniel and the boys had a blast watching them lay it. We had ribs for dinner.
Sunday...Today we went to my mom and dad's to celebrate my brother Alex, my bro in law Sean and my dad. All with September birthdays. My camera didn't have charged batteries, so I found a picture of something I found in Ruthie's room. It's my MK make up case that I don't use anymore. She put her jewelry and little shiny butterflies in each of the spaces. Such a girl.
I hope you had a terrific week!


Crissy said...

Cute little trees!! LOL! Where do you buy those at? I am sure they grow fast too!

Kim said...

Holes are so fun to jump in! That's what they're for, right?!? I love Ruthie's pink spit-up get-up. Girlie girls are awesome. I have wanted to go to that Taste of Home show for years. One of these times I'll make it up there.

Single Women Adopting Children said...

I love all the updates! The pink panther throw up is hysterical! Shanna is so disgusted by the amount of pink I put Mila in. When she gets to dress her- I notice she picks red or other colors :)

How big was the tree? He needs to come dig holes here -I planted 5 trees in the past 2 weeks and none were that size in terms of the hole.

Jen said...

Wait 'til your children are in 6th grade! It's been a bit of a shock to my 6th grader and to his mother.

I love the pink panther pink outfit! Too cute!

Laurie said...

i love the pic with the kids in the tree hole. They are so cute. I threw away my old MK case when we moved. should have kept it for Ruthie.