Monday, March 16, 2009

I'm A Little Whine Pot

Short and Stout... Yesterday, towards the end of Sacrament Meeting, I could feel my blood sugar dropping. I ate a couple of glucose tablets and headed back to Primary right as the closing hymn started. I thought I was doing okay and then as Primary started, I realized I wasn't okay. I think it was completely missing the opening prayer even though the Sunbeam's mom was right there to help her. I kept giving wrong information and I didn't know how to correct it all. So I left the room right as our dear chorister started Singing Time. I saw Daniel in the hall, who knew I needed help, and started to cry. Sheesh. So with more glucose tablets and a granola bar and an offer from Daniel to go get me a cheeseburger (can I also get a diet coke with that?) I pulled it together and was feeling mostly better by my Sharing Time. Senior Primary went much better, thank you!!

The kicker is I get a stinking headache after my blood sugar comes back up. So with some Excedrin and a diet pepper I got through the day. Then last night I got up to check my blood sugar (not feeling great) and it was really low again. So this morning, to ensure I don't have this problem, I had this for breakfast...
Diet pepper and leftover cake. Oh Yeah! Don't tell me you're not jealous! I know you are. I did have a sensible breakfast before this one. Well, if you can call honey nut scooters sensible. I have a horrendous headache and lots of dirty dishes. Can I stay in my jammies all day? Please? I need some ambition. Maybe another bite of chocolate cake will do it for me!

Have A Marvelous Monday!


Crissy said...

Can I come have some cake too? That looks good! I have been trying all day long to clean and I just ache. I feel like I am moving in slow motion today.
Hope you get better soon!

Mama Bear said...

I vote for it to be a jammies day too, sounds like a great idea! Hope the headache starts feeling better.

Andrea said...

Sounds like a typical breakfast at our house!! Yum!! Hope you are feeling better today though.

Sarah said...

That cake looks so yummy! I want some for breakfast too. Hope you're feeling better today!

Kim said...

I think you are a wise woman. If there is any really good cake pr pie in my house I always have it for breakfast. I'm sorry about your headaches. I'm hypoglycemic, so I know a little of what you are talking about with the non-functioning stuff. It stinks.