Wednesday, January 27, 2010

I Have A Problem.

Oh the problem, Pansy. Oh oh! I must have fruit! Can you name that movie?

Anyhoo. I really do have a problem. Let me begin at the....well, the beginning. Many moons ago, as a young'un, we (my siblings and I) were made to clean under our beds, wash dishes, fold laundry, care for young siblings, brush our teeth, make our beds, wear clean underwear, pull weeds, vacuum, dust. The list could go on and on. But my mom promised that we could go on national television (I believe Oprah was mentioned as a platform a time or two) and tell our heinous story to the world. Oh the sympathy we could get. I mean, c'mon, no other mother in the world makes their kids do all that stuff. So we adamantly stated that we would one day have revenge on the brutality of kiddom.

Are you with me?

Now, as a mature (hah!!) woman, a mom, a wife, an adult, I see things a bit differently. I now offer my children to share their heinous stories with the world. They can choose any platform they want. Heck, they can even go find a new mom who won't make them do all the brutal work of kiddom. So far they won't leave.

Even with all the complaints and weeping and wailing, I find myself in a quandary. And this is my problem.

It's only this thing on my nose and the hair piece. Everything else is fine!

My kids are just growing up way too fast. For instance, Isaac had a ski field trip on Monday. I made Daniel go with him. I prayed constantly that day that he would be okay. I fretted for the week or so leading up to it. I can't stand the fact that my child, well, my children, are growing up. I need them small and helpless again. Daniel is constantly reminding me that I have to let them grow up and do more. Ack! I don't think it's possible. I don't want them to leave!

But then they start the complaining and weeping and wailing about chores and even cleanliness, and I wonder when they will grow up. It's a never ending problem. A never ending circle of stuff. Someday I'll be sad, yet happy, when they leave home.

Forget the problem. Give me the money!

And if you can name the movie quoted, I will personally congratulate you. I'm just too tired from all the complaining to make cookies!


Crissy said...

LOL! You are so funny! Hmmm, yet, I think I am having the same problem!
I'll give you some chocolate? :)

Kates said...

LOL! Am I allowed to name the movie on here or do I have to email it to you? Well, you already know that I know it. Parenthood is a constant bittersweet experience. I want my children to grow up and be independent (and not need help with book reports) but I also don't want them to grow up so I can forever call them things like "Chicken Nugget", "Bennie-boo-boo", "Zac-Attack", and "Jer-Bob-Stinky-Pants". Oh well.

Kim said...

MAN! I don't know that movie. I totally remember my mom saying "Yes, I know - I'm mean and unreasonable." and "When you grow up you can do what you want in your own house." They'll do the same thing with their kids when they grow up...hopefully it will stop happening so fast though!

Laurie said...

I know the movie! But no cookies? Seriously?! I am with you on this whole growing up thing. I love the dependence but at the same time I want them to leave me alone!