Thursday, January 14, 2010

A Thought For Thursday.

This might just be a new thingy. You know, something I'll do each Thursday. Or at least when I think about it on a Thursday.
Anyhoo. Here is a thought for today. Thursday.
I was having lunch with a great friend of mine, Kim, this week. We will be going to China together. If China ever calls us! We were talking about the adoption process and the spiritual side of the wait. She shared this thought from a friend of hers that I thought was just beautiful!
"I will live so righteously that Heavenly Father has no choice but to bless me."
Are you living so righteously? Am I? I am certainly going to give a far better effort. Besides, I could really use those blessings!


Jen said...

I love your friend's determination! No one is going to mess with her blessings!

Crissy said...

Great thought! I love it! will have to remember that one :)

Kim said...

That is a sweet thought. I have thought something similar to that on many occasions.

Kim said...

Absolutely, LOVE you and so glad we met for lunch! Crying at Applebees is so healing!!!! (I'm sure it's only because of who I was crying with!!!!) It impacted me too, when my friend said this!!! I wish I was as dedicated!!!!