Thursday, May 7, 2009

Lobbying For Moms.

I mentioned last year that I would lobby for mothers to have an entire week off. I just got a sweet note from my sister in law for mothers day. That reminded me! Mothers Day is coming! I need to report back on my lobbying for moms.

I've got nothin'.

At all.

There is just no possible way for moms to leave their homes and children and husbands and laundry and dishes and meal making for a week and not have horrible repercussions! Seriously! We would just come back to the devastation we already knew would come. And that's why we stay.

So to all you moms out there...Stay home with your love bugs. Enjoy every moment with them. Get to bed early one night. Sleep just a few minutes later the next morning. Let them make breakfast in bed for you. Or get up and get the cereal out together.

Moms are awesome. We do the things that no one else can or will do. Toilets, for example. If it weren't for moms, we would all have scummy toilets. Very scummy toilets. And no one would brush their teeth.

So there you go. Enjoy your week, moms. Enjoy your weekend. Enjoy the fact that no one would survive without you. We are all in this together and we all know what the world would be like without us. Love your kids like you always do and make sure you get at least one beautiful crayon drawing from your little ones!

I'll see what I can do to get us a week of vacation for Father's Day. Then all the dads out there would know exactly why they love us so much!


Crissy said...

Happy Mothers Day, Jennie! Hope you have a "Spoiled" day tomorrow ;)

Kim said...

So true, we just can't go away for that long without suffering the negative effects of us not doing our jobs. What great jobs we have, really. We get to raise Heavenly Father's children and we get hugs and kisses all day long as payment. What could be better than that?!? Happy Mother's Day to you! I hope you'll be holding a new little one soon!