Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Cute Quips.

Ruthie and I were driving home after dropping our boys off at school.

She said, "So when I am in first grade....."

I said, "Then you would be at school right now, just like the boys."

She said, "Then you would be home all day by yourself."

I said, "Yep!"

She said, "Soooooooo, you could take a nap, then you wouldn't be so cranky!"



Kates said...

Oh, if only a nap would take away the crankiness... (mine, not yours).

Crissy said...

HA!! That's funny! I am sure my kids would say the same thing. There are days Michelle will say, "Your being nice today, Mom!" Uhhh, ok. So what am I the other times, LOL!

Laurie said...

oh, that Ruthie so so funny! I wish I could take a nap. I'm sure it would help my crankiness!

Single Women Adopting Children said...

Love it! I could use a nap!